The Role of a Reiki Practitioner.

Angelic Reiki – A beautifully gentle form of energy healing therapy that can be used for a wide range of healing purposes. The practitioner merely acts as a channel for the universal life force energy to flow through to the receiving client.

This energy is channelled directly from the Angelic Realms of Archangels, Ascended Masters and Healers.

Benefits of Angelic Reiki – May assist in the reduction of pain, both physically and mentally & spiritually. Create a feeling of wellness and balance, relieve stress and tension that may be associated with worry.

  • Re-energise the body’s own energy.
  • Create an inner sense of calmness and well-being.
  • Release of emotional blockages.
  • Calming anxieties.
    Improved quality for sleep.

Angelic Reiki can be received by anyone, men women, children. It is a very safe fully clothed, non-invasive form of healing from the angelic kingdom of light. The client can receive this healing either sitting in a chair or laying on a therapy bed, whichever position is preferred, the main aim is to achieve a completely comfortable relaxed state of mind in a dimly lit room. It’s absolutely fine if the client goes off to sleep briefly as the healing will still be received.

Angelic Reiki can be used as a one off healing experience whenever the client feels it’s required or a treatment plan can be discussed at the first initial appointment, each healing session generally continues to work for up to 28 days, This depends on the condition the client is seeking to improve/reduce. The first consultation can take up to an hour and half in order to create a record of the client’s details, reason for healing & subsequent future healing sessions to be discussed, and the healing itself to take place.

Angelic Reiki was channelled by Kevin Core, through Archangel Metatron between 2002 and 2003. The system was developed and taught by him and his wife Christine Core. The book they published “Angelic Reiki” is stocked by most bookshops or can be purchased online.

Connecting With Deceased Loved Ones

The death of a loved one is never an easy time for anyone to have to experience, even though grieving your loss is actually a healthy process that has to happen in order for acceptance to be reached. But this can sometimes be made more difficult because we tend to carry and associate all kinds of negative emotions such as burdens and guilt, fears and worries which in turn can cause grief to feel so much more painful and heavy for those already suffering bereavement, which can sometimes last a very long time in some cases.

Quite often huge gatherings of people will attend a night of mediumship, with hope and longing that their loved one just might come through? While others book private readings, all having the same interest and aim of making that connection with their deceased loved ones.

Soul Journey - Connecting with deceased loved ones

Deceased loved ones love to take the opportunity to prove they only left their physical body behind but their soul still remains very much alive. Not only validating their existence in the spirit realms, but also validating that they don’t miss out on important milestones that take place for those still living. It’s also very comforting to know that all the suffering and discomfort or disability that may have been experienced prior to death, is left behind as the individual makes their transitional journey.

This particular Hypnosis is beautiful in the fact it eases pain and offers closure and acceptance of the change and transition, the clients experience of loss has created. Hence helping the client to accept their loss as only a temporary one in the grand scheme of things.

Soul Journey - Past Life Regression

Past Life Regression

The Oxford dictionary definition:

Past Life Regression – To return to an earlier stage of development
Reincarnation – Rebirth of the Soul in another body

This therapy allows the recipient to embark on an explorative journey back through time, using a very gentle hypnosis technique to create a deeply relaxed state of mind. This can mean to regress back to a past experience in this present lifetime, or to regress even further back possibly even to a previous lifetime.

Past life experiences can create memories you may not even remember, these in turn can cause all kinds of problems or obstacles in the present. 

For example fears, phobias, depression, lack of self worth, addictions, poverty, loneliness, pain reduction, psychosomatic pain (pain that feels very real to the sufferer but actually isn’t real pain). All of the aforementioned and many many more reasons may have origins in a past life but still be affecting the present in a negative or even a destructive way.

Past lives can also have an influence on so many aspects of current relationships too, whether this be of a romantic nature, parents, siblings, friends, or even work relationships.

Through regression therapy it’s possible to search as many times as you wish to identify aspects, reasons or causes of unfinished business that may still be affecting the present.

Every single moment of every single lifetime ever lived can be retrieved or accessed as they remain stored deep in the subconscious mind of every individual or from a more spiritual point of view, The Akashic Records. By choosing to take a look back in a completely relaxed state of mind, the present can become easier to understand why it is the way it is. Healing can then help alter the wrongs and help greatly in allowing the recipient to move forwards in a much more positive way.

Hypnosis will work well with any willing participant, it is simply a completely deep relaxed state of mind, it’s non-invasive and doesn’t require any pills or potions. Most people don’t realise the power of their own potential to heal naturally, but the ability to do so is huge and very beneficial.

I could go on and on regarding this therapy, but it’s my intention to generate an interest for you, the reader, rather than making reading too much of a chore.

If you think you’d like to try regression therapy, I’m more than happy to discuss any aspect of regression therapy with you further.
You can contact me either through text, email, or a telephone chat.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Why not start this exciting journey by booking a mini Hypnosis? Purely for relaxation purposes and to allow yourself to experience this beautiful experience.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Many Thanks


Soul Midwifery for Angelic Reiki

Death can eclipse and shatter everything, but when the actual death is a good death, the room is filled with only peace and tranquillity, all the pain that went before is forgotten. Where there was mystery there is knowledge, where there was fear there is love.
From the start of this process, the soul midwife will invoke the guidance of Spirit Guides, Archangels, and Ascended Masters to work with a client and their family to ease the pressures and pain of this final journey towards the end of life.

Pre-active stage of dying when the client is still well enough and able to communicate: From the point of introduction, a bond of friendship and trust begins to develop and an outline plan for working with the client through the various stages of this journey.

Only when the client feels ready, a death plan can then begin to be co-created. This plan can include absolutely anything and everything the client feels is relevant up to and after their transition, in as much or as little detail as the client wishes.

  • Outstanding issues to be resolved: This can be emotional, financial, or a problematic relationship
  • Who does the client wish to take care of matters after their passing?
  • Does the client want the named person to be given a copy of the Soul Midwife document/death Plan?

The following lists a few examples of what may be included in a death plan, although the list is non-exhaustive and can be added to:

Creating a sacred space – depending on the client’s belief system, which energies might they wish to include? This can include prayers, soft relaxing background music, The reading aloud of any preferred passages from books, reciting poetry or a simple meditation.

Forgiveness – Working through gentle relaxation, releasing past resentments and hurts, can be very beneficial to the client in assisting the release of no longer needed energies.

Hands on/off Reiki Healing: Generally used for healing purposes, relaxation, pain reduction and releasing blockages of energy to ease physical or emotional pain or discomfort.

Final Stages/ Dying hours: Does the client wish to have a sitting vigil, who might this include, or not include?

The Soul Midwife can at this point, if the client wishes, call in the four Great Archangels to stand in their quadrants. Also calling in the client’s guides and deceased loved ones to welcome the client as he/she crosses the threshold.

After Death: Does the client wish to have their body anointed with oils? Is there a final prayer they might like to be spoken? By whom?
How long would the client like to be left before removal by the undertaker ready for burial or cremation preparations begin.


I would love to speak to you, if you would like to discuss how I can help, simply contact me using the details below.

84 Humberstone Road
DN32 8AZ

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